by April 17, 2015

Next week we'll be traveling as a company to RailsConf in Atlanta. It's been a few years since I've been to one, but I'm really looking forward to it. Beyond the opportunity to network and refresh our excitement about Rails, we've been perusing the schedule and found some things that piqued our interest!

Rails 5

We know that the next version of Rails is coming up and RailsConf is a great place to learn about, and get a sneak peek at, some of the new features.

While there will probably be discussion in general about the next version and DHH will probably talk about it in his keynote, we're interested to hear more about how attributes and type casting will be changing as well as how callbacks will be changing.

We always look forward to hearing about the progression and evolution of the framework we love!


While it's not the most glamourous topic, process is an important part of software development. As Velocity Labs has begun growing, we've been evaluating and refining how we work.

Recently, we've defined some of our processes, including a branching strategy, built-in code review cycle, continuous integration testing, issue tracking and release deployment process.

In particular, the code review cycle is now an integral part of how we work, but we know that there's always room for improvement. That's why we're intrigued to learn how we can improve and implement a stronger code review culture, from Derek Prior of thoughtbot.

JavaScript + Rails

We figured JavaScript would be a hot topic this year and we weren't disappointed. There are sessions on integrating some of the popular frameworks like react.js on Rails and the EmberCLI Rails gem.

There's also a session on using ECMAScript 6, in your Rails app, which sounds very interesting.

And then, if you're tired of the JS framework hype, you can get a side-by-side comparison of AngularJS, Ember.js and Rails server-side JS to find out why your front-end framework is overkill.

If you're in Atlanta, hit us up during the conference or on Twitter @velocitylabs!

Need help with your project?

We specialize in Ruby on Rails and JavaScript projects. Code audits, maintenance and feature development on existing apps, or new application development. We've got you covered.

Get in touch!