by January 22, 2012

Thinking about starting a business in the Phoenix area? Or maybe you have an existing startup that just needs a little help to expand? You're in luck, because in this post, we'll cover three upcoming opportunities for your startup business to get some awesome training, experience, publicity and in some instances, possible funding. These all take place in the Phoenix area, including Mesa, Tempe and Gilbert.

Mesa New Venture Accelerator

This is an opportunity for Mesa startup businesses to get ten weeks of training beginning February 2, 2012. You'll meet every Thursday evening from 5:30-8:30pm for the founder roundtable, which aims to help you start and grow your business. Experienced mentors will be available to help in the realms of retail, manufacturing, health care, software and information technology businesses.

Check out Stealthmode's Mesa New Venture Accelerator for more information.

Roadmap to Launch 2012

Roadmap to Launch starts February 3rd with a weekend kickstart product development. Then, you'll meet every Tuesday from 5:30-8:30pm. In addition, you'll have weekly meetings with a team counselor to track your progress, three opportunities to practice your pitch, and a full day of PR training.

Check out Roadmap to Launch for more information.

ASU Maker Week

Maker Week begins February 16th and is put on through the ASU College of Technology and Innovation (CTI).

[Maker Week] is designed to inspire a passion for building, creating and making among students, teachers, and anyone who ever looked at a mousetrap and thought: "You know, I could make that better."

Events will include Maker Pitch, Maker Faire and the Making Your Future conference.

The Maker Pitch is and idea pitch event where entrepreneurs can get experience and practice pitching their innovations and startup ideas. If you wish to pitch, apply here.

The Faire will consist of demonstrations, workshops and other hands-on challenges. If have a project you'd like to be included, here's the Maker Faire Call for Entries.

In conjunction with Maker Week, there will also be a Making Your Future conference for high school students and their teachers, with speakers including entrepreneurs from across the country speaking on tech, science and business. Don't miss it, February 23, RSVP now

For more information, check out ASU's Maker Week.

Need help with your project?

We specialize in Ruby on Rails and JavaScript projects. Code audits, maintenance and feature development on existing apps, or new application development. We've got you covered.

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